So many times I have been afraid to say that I am beautiful. See, I was raised in a home where one had to be noble and never self praise because that's regarded as narcissistic. Every time I tried to be "proud" my mama will quickly remind me of a scripture from the Holy book.
Growing up, I've unraveled, searched my soul and I am not afraid to say that I am beautiful. ... So if this is vain. I am vain.
So I will say it. again "I am beautiful".
When a woman enters a room, I am not afraid to tell her that she's beautiful.
I am
Beautiful, Beautiful woman of colour
The music of my song is louder than my past
On those sun beaten Savanna, my skin glows
Kneaded by the African sun
My looks, clothes, figure all get washed away by the tropical rain
Look into my eyes and see how Beautiful I am
My eyes are the doorway into my tournamented soul
My heart goes far beyond dawn
I endure the pain of my body being ripped just to give life
Slow movements, my soul feels soothing, as I hear the little ones heartbeat
Then I allow my love to show
Like a lioness, I go to the wild to hunt for my culf
Heaven I see you from my inner being
A woman with a voice, a purpose, a mission
I am, I am, I am.