Cheyenne Cochrane sums it up during her Ted Talk called A Celebration of Natural Hair. “We know that when Black women embrace their love for their natural hair, it helps to undo generations of teaching that Black in its natural state is not beautiful, or something to be hidden or covered up. We know ... ", Cochrane says.
Ooh, look at you African Queen, With your dark skin, big lips and Afro hair
You failed the pen test, Your hair is all bushy and messed up Not enough Relaxer to make it straight
No enough foundation can make you light skinned No lipstick can cover the voluptuous lips inherited from grandmother Hair kinky & Curly as a lamb's coat
Brazilian, Indian and Peruvian hair.... Only take your African crown and Heroines in you Why do we always have to hide from our blackness? Media says lighter is beautiful & slim is sexy
But Africa says the opposite That dark chocolate complexion is Godly sent Stop hiding it & start embracing it Look at page 2 of COSMO today
It is now trending and Acceptable to be the African Queen Big lips are now extra ordinary Blondes and blue eyes now Que in surgeries for your lips
How ironic? Embrace your crown, YOU heroine Dark complexion is beautiful You are the African Queen Those paints all over your face make you look like a clown You are beautiful Naturally...Stop trying hard
Photo credit: The beautiful Kimberly Xola Matu